Gallagher’s Guide for Returning to the Workforce

Guest Writer: Pat Wilkins, Vice President, Community Relations


Insurance | Risk Management | Consulting

Returning the workforce to a physical location while safeguarding the health and wellness of employees is a key consideration and unlikely to be a one-time event. The need for a thoughtful and effective approach that takes into account new restrictions, physical spacing limitations, and the reality of reduced physical interactions will be critical to long-term success. This needs to be balanced by creating psychological and emotional stability in the workplace. Leadership must also recognize that many employees have been traumatized or significantly burdened by this COVID-19 ordeal and those wounds will be slow to heal.

You and your employees have undergone tremendous changes and will likely not return to the same workplace they left. Therefore, we want you to be prepared with a holistic approach that considers the organization’s total needs–people, property, and profits. Successfully returning employees to the workplace will be a slow process but, with careful preparation, flexibility, realistic expectations, and a focus on clear and honest communication, it is achievable.

Gallagher has created a framework and five-step process to assist you in the planning and execution process with our Return to Workplace Consideration Guide. As you consider reopening your facilities, a better understanding of your situation and risks will help you face your future with confidence. Listen to the on-demand webinar here.

Interested to see how other organizations are addressing COVID-19 and their plans for returning to the workplace? Participate in our 7-minute Return to Workplace Survey and receive access to real-time results.



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