Site Selection Trip Highlights Regional Partners

By: Albert Alwang, Economic Development Manager

In February, WCED team members participated in a Site Selection Consultant trip to Greenville, SC. Similar to the trip in early January to Atlanta, GA (see blog) – WCED had an opportunity to network with site selectors, learn new trends in companies’ site selection decisions, and share relevant updates from the 12 municipalities in Wake County. The WCED team was joined by the Research Triangle Regional Partnership (RTRP) and several other participating counties.

The Research Triangle Success Story

One of the key takeaways from the Greeneville trip was the success of the Research Triangle brand. Consultants had expressed their knowledge of the Triangle region as a life science and technology hub, and home to an award-winning talent pool. The mix of participating economic developers across Wake County showed a multitude of opportunities for companies to decide on when relocating. Wake County is home to urban metros such as Raleigh, vibrant rural counties like Warren County, and much more. Regardless of companies’ preferences, regional collaboration was on display throughout the trip.

Why Regionalism Makes Sense from a Company’s Perspective 

The importance of thinking regionally in the economic development industry is driven by private industry - workforce, supply chain, or industry-specific assets all operate on a regional scale. For example, talent is a key, if not the key driver of a company’s decision to relocate. The region is home to over 20 higher education institutions, and there are currently more than 176,000 students enrolled. Our education system is fueling the workforce of tomorrow.

Regional Collaboration will continue to define the region.

The Research Triangle Park helped spark regional collaboration, and partnerships through RTRP and other organizations such as the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, and The Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED). These organizations help maintain the message that the Triangle region and Wake County rely on one another to succeed.

WCED proudly tells the success of our region through supporting RTRP and other regional initiatives that benefit the Research Triangle region.


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