Twitter, Tweets and Our Message

As many of Wake County Economic Development’s target industries for the county involve technology, my staff and I are doing our part to remain on the cutting edge in communicating our message.  Part of my recent activities involves the use of Twitter to promote important events and activities connected to WCED to the outside world.

If you are not familiar with Twitter, think of it as blogging, only quicker and tighter.  With Twitter, you “tweet” (post) short messages less than 140 characters for all of your followers or friends to see on the Internet. At last report, some 6 million Americans use Twitter, and its growth remains strong among all age groups and economic statuses.

When used judiciously, Twitter can be an excellent source to announce or update major news stories.  Many journalists use Twitter as a source for their stories, and sometimes we are contacted as a result of one of our tweets.  Twitter is also a very effective social networking tool, that will allow us to reach out to people everywhere.

In fact, chances are good that some of you are reading this very blog because I tweeted about it and drove you here with my link.  We can track this conversation and others involving our organization and our clients, and as a result we can grow and maintain a network of people interested in WCED.  That will lead to more individuals and business leaders learning about us and wanting to know more about how to enjoy the benefits of working in Wake County.  With Twitter having a worldwide presence, the number of people exploring Wake County as a new or relocated home for their businesses can run into the billions. 

My Twitter page is http://twitter.com/KenAtkins.  Please visit me and respond to anything you see there.  I look forward to hearing from you and letting you follow the latest accomplishments by WCED.


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